Monday, February 21, 2011

Sheesh! What's WRONG with my Brain??!!!

I've always been a Clodhopper.  Clodhop here, clodhop there.  At least, that's what I was called by my sister.  She even gave me the pet name "Sasquatch".  Being from the Pacific Northwest, we knew what that was before we even knew what the boogie man was.  I called her "Hamburger Head", so I guess we were even.

I have always had a problem with my balance, and always have been a "rocker".  Even a friend of mine wrote about me in her biography, Angels and Pawprints: A Lifetime of Love, Laughter, and Tears.  Her son was a "rocker", too.  When I sit, I rock back and forth, and when I stand I rock back and forth.  Kids would call me "duck", or say that I had a "rocking chair in my head", or that I was a "penguin".  Now that makes for a nice self-image.  As if being shy wasn't bad enough...

I also had some embarrassing moments, which I now think are funny.  When I was older I would ride the bus to work, and one day had to carry a few things under my arms.  I pulled the bell to stop the bus, and got up before the bus was actually stopped, like you're supposed to do.  I was trying to be so very assured of myself, but for the life of me when that bus came to a stop, I kept moving -- but not forward.  I fell to left of me and landed on some lady's lap.  I was looking right up into her face and said sheepishly, "Sorrr-yyyy".   I got off feeling like such a Clodhopper.

When I would be walking and someone yelled at me from somewhere, I would stumble.  One day, in college, I was trying to stay composed while walking into the cafeteria to get seconds of stew.  I LOVE stew.  As I stepped over into the mess hall, my feet went out from under me and I fell at the feet of a dude I kinda had a sorta crush on at the time.  He said, "So, you're falling for me, eh?"  Can you say "RED FACE?"  Or even better, "MY FACE IS GROWING BIGGER AT THE MOMENT!"  After composing myself, getting back to my table and finishing my stew, I was taking the tray back to where you take the trays back, someone said my name, and guess what?  I went down again.  Yes.  Clodhopper R Us.  Well...ME.  What's WRONG with me??!!

I was always falling and spraining my ankles.  I have even broken my left leg two times because I was just walking down a couple of measly hills and lost my balance.  One break was a compound fracture that was so awful that it almost sent the friend who was caring for me over the bridge we were on.

Even when I would perform in front of people singing, I would wonder why I would have to THINK about standing there or I would fall down.  I often have to THINK about even just walking.  What's WRONG with my BRAIN???  Yes, I am a Clodhopper.

For the last couple of years I had been experiencing a series of dizziness spells that I couldn't explain.  I would get so dizzy that I would actually get nauseous, and I couldn't explain why.  When I was driving I would sometimes get dizzy and have to pull over the car.  WEIRD.  Then, one day, while making candy with J-GQ, I felt my eyes go CRAZY!  They were actually rolling around in my head and I knew I was experiencing true vertigo.  I turned away from J-GQ and hung on to the sink, because I didn't want him to look at his mom morphing into a monster. Plus, I needed to hold on to something or I would fall down.   I called for My Boyfriend, and he took me to the ER.  Nothing wrong. 

However, I kept experiencing this dizziness, and finally went back to the ENT.  I had been there in the past, but he didn't really take me seriously.  He might as well have shrugged me off by telling me I just had Irritable Bowel Syndrome and there was nothing anyone could do about it.  I'd heard that one too many times before.

But, I went back to his partner, and told him my story, and told him that his buddy in the other room really didn't do too much to help me the last time.  So, to satisfy and humor me, he decided to schedule me for a test which determined balance function in the ears and also an MRI.

I went in for the balance test and they had kept telling me that I would need someone to drive me home because I would feel extra dizzy and sick to my stomach after the test was complete.  Well, after the test was complete I felt nothing, so I told My Boyfriend, "Well, that was a waste of time", because I obviously had nothing wrong with me there.  Then I went into my MRI.

When I went back to the ENT to get the test results, I knew what he was going to say -- it was nothing and I was probably just experiencing IBS.  However, what he said was actually quite a shock, and I had to ask him to repeat it.  He said, "Well, you have NO balance function in your left ear and very limited function in your right ear.  In addition, you have a 3 inch cyst on your brain, so I would like you to see a neurologist."  Excuse me???  What?!!!  Come to find out, the cyst was an arachnoid cyst, was benign, and had been there since birth, and the balance function had also most likely occurred when I was a small child.

So, he sent me on my way and hooked me up with the neurologist and also the physical therapist.  The neuro said that the cyst was a factor in my balance and showed me how it was impeding into my brain.  He said they typically don't grown, but he HAD seen them grow, so would like to do follow-up MRI'S.  This was the strangest thing I had ever heard!  And, the physical therapist said she said she was surprised that I was even able to stand up and asked if I slept a lot.  I said, "YEAAAAAH"  She said that people who love people with balance issues cannot understand why they sleep so much -- it's because much of their effort is being put into just staying upright.  I could relate.  My Boyfriend could never understand why I slept so much.

I was FREEEEEEE!  I finally had an answer to my CLODHOPPER-ness!  I had an answer as to why I rocked -- I am trying to equalize myself!  I had an answer as to why, if my hair gets in my eyes I cannot move.  I had an answer as to why I cannot walk up bleachers, walk down the stairs at a movie theater without holding onto a handrail, why I have to think about walking, why I get overwhelmed in grocery stores or with crowds of people, or why I stopped offering to help people in their kitchen after dinner because I didn't want to break something.

So, now, I have an excuse.  I try not to use it too often, but if you ask me to come help you clean up your house, I might say...."Sorry, I have a cyst on my brain."  And I won't be lying.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

One Remarkable Poem

 A poem entitled:

A Poem I Wrote To My Friend Lisa, Who Is a Former Roommate, and Who Has A Son Who Is Two Months Older Than My Son, And We Have Another Ex-Roommate Named Laurie Who Also Has A Son Who Was Born Between Lisa's Son and My Son and Who Are All Big Boys Now

I wonder if you saw those pics
Of our boys who played with sticks,
They are so cute and so much fun
...I'm sure glad I got me one!
They're growing up and getting big,
And soon will eat just like a pig,
And grow so big and tall and strong
Just like we knew all along.
They make us laugh our buttsies off
And when I laugh it makes me cough
(I gotta get that problem fixed,
And taking Nexium should do the trick),
They will soon be liking girls,
Which will make us want to hurl,
And they will want to take our car
And we will wonder where they are.
They will soon go out on dates
And make us stay up late to wait.
But if they find a girl like us
We'll know it was worth all the fuss.



Sunday, February 13, 2011

I want to be ASTONISHING... Jesus.

I know that might sound weird, but as I was reading through Matthew 7, I came across a verse (verse 10), which got my attention. I don't know if I remember seeing that before.

The story begins with a centurion (a Roman guard) approaching Jesus and told him about his servant, who was lying at home paralyzed and greatly suffering. Servants in those days were often times as close as a person's own family, and this was breaking this man up. Jesus looked at the man and told him, "I will go and heal him". But, the centurion stopped him and said, "No! You don't actually have to GO to my house, just say something!" He went on to say that he understood authority, since he was under authority himself and he also had subjects under him. He knew that all Jesus needed to was to "tell him to be healed and he will be!"

Jesus looked at this man in amazement. Verse 10 says, "When Jesus heard this, he was astonished and said to those following, "I'm not lying...I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith." After a few more comments, he told the centurion, "Go! He's going to be healed!" And he WAS, within the hour.

Here was a man who was of high-standing. He could have walked right up to Jesus and demanded Jesus to heal his servant, but he didn't. He could have said something disdainful in an attempt to put Jesus to shame, but he didn't. He knew that he was a man who had a need, even though he was a very capable, powerful individual. And he submitted to Jesus. He had faith that Jesus was who He said He was, and he didn't even question it.

In the midst of his own trial, not even any of Jesus' known "followers" had more faith in Jesus eyes than this man. He had more faith than those who followed Jesus every day of his life. He was not a man in the "inner circle".

Jesus honors our faith -- no matter who we are. And as someone who follows Jesus, I want to have the faith of this centurion -- and I want to be ASTONISHING to Jesus by my faith in Him.


Monday, February 7, 2011

20 things to do to grow your NICE quotient -- and to spread it on...

In a world that is becoming more and more mean-spirited, it would be behoove us to step back and think about what it means to really be nice. And, when we are nice, it is contagious. Here are a few suggestions I've come up with that we can all do today:

1. Smile at a child.

2. Pay for the person's toll behind you.

3. When someone starts to gossip about someone, say something nice about that person instead and change the subject.

4. Make someone's favorite cookies for no reason.

5. Make someone feel good about themselves.

6. Post on someone's facebook wall just to let them know you are thinking about them.

7. Send a note in your child's lunch sack.

8. Tell someone you will pray for them, and then do.

9. Pray for someone you don't particularly like.

10. Wave and smile at someone who has let you into the car line.

11. Offer to let someone go before you at the grocery store.

12. Tell the waiter/waitress or grocery clerk how well they are doing and you appreciate their hard work.

13. Send someone a note who has done something nice for you, but you never told them.

14. Ask a new artist, author or blogger how you can help them promote their work and be successful.

15. Say something funny to the grocery clerk.

16. Treat your child like you would a friend's child.

17. Treat your husband like someone you are trying to impress.

18. Offer to help someone move or organize a room in their home.

19. Open a door for someone, and give them a sincere smile.

20. Say "Excuse me!" when you walk in front of someone.

I realize that most of these might be obvious, but it is amazing how we often forget in the midst of our business to do the small things.  I guarantee that when we make and EFFORT to be kind, others respond IN KIND, and the world is a better place to live!

Please leave comments for other things that you think are NICE! God bless!


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Why is it ...

that some people don't turn to God until He is all they have left?

Why is it that we don't turn to God FIRST, and then we have everything else?

I guess it is because as Human Beings we feel the need and have been taught our whole lives to be in control, and we don't want to have to depend on something other than ourselves.

But, I also know that each one of us needs a purpose. We need to know what our design is. How are we to know that unless we inquire of the One who actually made us in the first place?

To some people this is simplistic and even sophomoric. But, that is the beauty of God. He is awesome (and I don't use that word lightly) and He is SIMPLE. He wants to reveal His mysteries to us Humans. He does this through Jesus, "in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge." (Colossians 2:3) Sounds mystical. It is.

I always wanted to write a song about a person who came to know God because of all of the good things that happened in their lives. I didn't know of anyone like that until I met my husband, even though God's goodness is all around us. But, most people come to the end of their rope before they look up, and hopefully right into the eyes of Jesus, who only wants to love them, not judge, show them their purpose, and give them, most importantly, life abundantly -- being completely and utterly forgiven.